Customs declarations

Trust the experience

UK customs declarations

In response to a clear need, we offer assistance to our regular and new customers. We carry out customs clearance and complete security declarations.

Our specialists will complete all documents and ensure that you complete your clearance on time.

Due to Brexit from 1 January 2021, safety and security declarations are required when importing into and exporting from the UK. There are two types of safety and security declarations: the export summary declaration (EXS) and the import summary declaration (ENS). The carrier is required to submit an ENS declaration to the customs authority of the country into which the consignment is entering.

SKAT will make the required notification on your behalf. You will save time and money. You can count on our experts to help you at every stage.

Our consultant will ask you for basic information (MRN number, type of customs document, ports of departure, port of entry, customs code of the goods, vehicle and trailer registration numbers, cargo weight, type of packaging, etc.). Based on this, he will make the appropriate declaration. You will be informed immediately that the ENS declaration has been successfully registered in the French customs system.

SKAT is a transport and logistics operator specialising in international and domestic road transport and forwarding, ferry crossings and insurance for the TSL industry.

Our services are calculated on an individual basis. Contact one of our specialists to find out the price.


Call or write

Agnieszka Zielińska
Agnieszka Zielińska

+48 663 700 020

Marzena Bolin
Marzena Bolin

+48 661 700 040

Martyna Slawikowska
Martyna Slawikowska

+48 663 804 648

Awards & Certificates

Reliable partner

SKAT is a Polish company with 30 years of experience in the TSL industry.
For years, we have been at the top of most industry rankings. We have received prestigious certificates and awards.
We can also be your reliable business partner.

8th place in the ranking of TSL companies
8th place in the ranking of TSL companies

The 25th TSL ranking of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna has ranked SKAT as the 8th Polish company by TSL revenue in 2019. We have occupied the leading places since 2013.

Payment Capability Index
Payment Capability Index

The international business intelligence company, Creditereform, has set SKAT's Payment Capability Index value at 188 points, the best in the transport industry!

"Orły Wprost" Award
"Orły Wprost" Award

SKAT is 100% Polish capital. In 2018, we were recognised for having the highest sales revenue and a high percentage increase in net profit over the last three years.