Code of Conduct For Suppliers


The SKAT Transport P.S.A. Code of Ethics was created in order to systematise the customs and procedures that the TSL industry deals with on a daily basis.

At Our Company, corporate social responsibility is an integral component of Our business culture and reflects the values that are of the highest priority at SKAT Transport.

SKAT Transport P.S.A. has a number of internal policies and procedures in place to protect the interests of SKAT Transport’s employees and business partners, and above all to promote a safe and friendly workplace. When selecting our suppliers and partners, we want them to be guided by similar values that have guided SKAT Transport since its inception. Although we are aware of the existing legal and cultural differences, we believe that there are minimum ethical requirements that constitute a common denominator for every TSL business and must be strictly observed.

At the same time, SKAT Transport P.S.A. declares that it is an organisation that makes every effort to act in accordance with applicable laws, both national and international, as well as in accordance with basic standards of ethical conduct.

SKAT Transport P.S.A. Management Board.



1. Compliance with laws, rules and applicable regulations.

One of the cornerstones of SKAT Transport since its inception has been to act in accordance with the spirit of the letter of the law. Human and employee rights are of fundamental importance to us. We place great emphasis on employee and management awareness of respecting and complying with generally applicable laws. We do not by any means require every employee to be familiar with detailed legal regulations, but we do invest in employees’ basic knowledge in this area, and in case of any doubts they have the opportunity to seek advice from their superiors and employees in the Legal Department.

2. Friendly and safe working environment.

As a responsible entrepreneur, we strive to provide our employees with a safe and friendly working environment. Each employee starting work within SKAT Transport structures is obliged to undergo training on safe and hygienic working conditions and applicable procedures.

In addition, every employee is obliged to report situations in which health and safety has or may have been breached. In the context of health and safety at work, it is strictly forbidden to come to work under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating or psychoactive substances.

In addition to extensive measures to ensure a safe working environment, SKAT Transport aspires to the title of a friendly employer. Therefore, we regularly undertake initiatives to involve employees’ children in the internal life of the company by organising various competitions or events to activate employees. In addition, we know how important it is to be a parent, so we support parenthood by providing our employees with a guarantee to return to their current position after maternity or paternity leave. At the same time, we strictly adhere to the obligations imposed on employers under current legislation, thus giving Our employees the assurance that their privileges are strictly respected.

3. Charity initiatives.

One of SKAT Transport’s core values is to share the good. We undertake both top-down philanthropic activities, willingly supporting those in need, as well as supporting the charitable initiatives of Our employees. At SKAT Transport, we have been making donations to orphanages, public benefit organisations for years, or willingly sponsoring various events for the youngest. In addition, we get involved in the ideas and collections of Our employees, applying the principle of double goodness, i.e. doubling from SKAT Transport’s assets the donation made in relation to the funds collected by employees.

In addition, we aim to strengthen employee involvement in the life of the company by actively supporting their initiatives and projects. Therefore, each SKAT Transport employee may feel free to take the initiative to participate in a social project, as SKAT Management Board is always willing to support such initiatives, for example by organising charity events or educational campaigns.

4. Supporting development.

At SKAT Transport, we believe that fostering growth is one of the main foundations on which the company’s success has been built. We are therefore keen to invest in the development of Our employees.

Our company’s main asset is its long-standing “SKATway” project, under which we invest in theoretical and practical training of project participants, thus showcasing the features of the freight forwarding profession within the SKAT Transport structures. The target group is people with no experience in the TSL industry.

In addition to this, we invest in the development of our long-serving employees, offering them not only a network of available training courses to develop their competences, but also ensuring that each employee develops within the company’s internal structures in the form of promotions and regular career progression within our company.

5. Conducting transparent business, based on communication.

As a several-time winner of the title of friendly employer in the TSL industry, we know that it is human to make mistakes. Our business is based on communication, so we engage in regular discussions with our employees, constantly striving to improve the relationship. For us, the consequence of dismissing an employee is an unpleasant last resort, which is only implemented when all other forms of improving the quality of the employee’s work have failed.

6. Conflict of interest.

SKAT Transport’s company policy does not allow for the possibility of the occurrence and existence of conflicts of interest. Therefore, we emphasise the transparency of relations within the company. We take extensive measures to eliminate the occurrence of conflicts of interest. By conflict of interest we understand situations in which private interests in any way – directly or indirectly – lead or may lead to a conflict with the interests of the company.

A conflict of interest is deemed to be the undertaking of activities or the pursuit of interests that may adversely affect the quality of the employee’s work and his or her objectivity in performing his or her duties. A conflict of interest is always present when working simultaneously within SKAT Transport’s structures and for a competing company providing services in the TSL industry.

7. Integrity and competitiveness.

SKAT Transport’s operations are conducted in a manner consistent with the ethics of corporate competitiveness and with all forms of taking honest action.
We enhance our competitiveness and market position by achieving ever better results, while avoiding any illegal business practices. We do not misuse the information we obtain about Our Partners, suppliers and competitors.
Each of Our employees is obliged to maintain the secrecy of the information obtained. Furthermore, it is forbidden to come into possession of any information by means of actions taken against the letter of the law and by means of actions taking the form of manipulation.

8. Environmental Protection.

At SKAT Transport, we know how important it is to take care of the environment, which is why we regularly carry out awareness-raising activities for our employees, involving them in company initiatives to protect the environment.

In addition to our internal measures, we take extensive external action as a demonstration of our commitment to environmental protection. This is why we regularly, on average, replace our vehicle fleet in order to reduce exhaust emissions. Within Our fleet, every vehicle meets the highest EURO emissions standard.

9. Human Rights.

We know how important it is to respect the individuality of each of Our employees, which is why we absolutely ensure and support equal opportunities and equal treatment of Our employees regardless of skin colour, race, nationality, origin, disability, political or religious beliefs, as well as gender or age. Human rights are of fundamental importance to Us, which is why we place particular emphasis on ensuring them within the scope of our activities, so that every employee feels that their rights are respected and that they feel safe within the SKAT Transport employment structure.

These values also guide us in the recruitment process, where we apply a so-called ‘policy of equal opportunities’, focusing on the employee’s competences and not on origin, race or political beliefs. At SKAT Transport, no one should be employed against their will, much less forced to work.

SKAT Transport supports employee-employer dialogues, as demonstrated by the introduction and maintenance over the years of a stay-interview process under which cyclical discussions are held with employees regarding their job satisfaction or as an opportunity to express what the employee is dissatisfied with, what they would like to change and what their further expectations of the employer are.

At the same time, we emphasise the non-acceptance of manifestations of any form of psychological violence, harassment, sexual behaviour and discrimination.

10. Remuneration.

SKAT Transport P.S.A. applies a remuneration policy that takes into account the employee’s competence with an individual approach. Salaries at SKAT Transport are paid in accordance with the applicable legal regulations, taking into account overtime and benefits to which the employee is entitled. Thus, each SKAT Transport employee receives remuneration that enables the employee to maintain the quality of life at a satisfactory level. At the same time, SKAT Transport is keen to reward employees for their individual performance.

At SKAT Transport, it is forbidden to deduct from an employee’s salary, either directly or indirectly, any funds without his or her consent or in violation of applicable laws. In addition, each employee is regularly informed by the responsible persons in an understandable form of the components affecting his/her remuneration.

At SKAT Transport, an employee’s remuneration absolutely meets or exceeds the statutory standards defined as the minimum wage and, at the same time, should in no way fall below the level of a living wage in the employee’s country of employment. Therefore, it is standard that every SKAT Transport employee receives at least the minimum wage, matched to the applicable legal regulations in this respect.

11. Working hours.

At SKAT Transport P.S.A., we strictly comply with the statutory working hours of each employee and the minimum rest period to which an employee is entitled. We emphasise compliance with the rights and guarantees set out in the Labour Code and specific regulations.

12. Health and safety.

At Our Company, we emphasise responsibility for the health and safety of employees. In this respect, we take measures to reduce the risk of exposure to danger for any employee of Our Company, together with ensuring the best possible precautions.

This is demonstrated not only by regular training in occupational safety as well as first aid, but also by the inclusion of a basic medical package so that every employee has access to immediate medical attention.

13. Child labour and bonded labour.

At SKAT Transport, we strongly condemn the practice of child labour as well as slave labour. We clearly emphasise that any child labour is forbidden, thus indicating that no person of school age or under 18 years of age should and is employed by Our company. We declare that SKAT Transport does not force anyone to work against their will.

14. Bullying.

SKAT Transport condemns all actions taking the form of mobbing practices. Therefore, we have created an internal anti-bullying policy outlining a course of action should an employee of Our Company notice any form of bullying.

15. Discrimination and harassment.

At SKAT Transport, employee competence is paramount. Therefore, we are happy to have a diverse workforce in our company. We strongly disapprove of any form of unfavourable comments and behaviour of a racial or national character that directly affects the individual employee. In this respect, we regularly take steps to make employees aware of the importance of accepting an individual’s individuality.

Every employee is assured of equal opportunities on the part of Our Company at all levels of employment. We always emphasise that all employees, irrespective of their gender, outlook, beliefs, sexual orientation or nationality, are treated equally, with an equal right to remuneration commensurate with their position, duties and responsibilities.

At the same time, we condemn any sexual misconduct. An important factor for our company is to create an employee-friendly working environment, as we want our employees to feel safe and comfortable. For this reason, we do not tolerate any kind of sexual misconduct.

16. Anti-corruption measures.

At SKAT Transport, we are guided by the principle of zero tolerance for any form of corruption and bribery. Our employees comply with the applicable anti-corruption legislation, which is reflected in the absolute prohibition of offering, promising, transferring any form of corruption or bribery and, above all, any form of offering financial benefits in order to illegally influence the Customer’s decision-making processes with the intention of compromising the Customer’s objectivity in business decision-making.

At the same time, guidelines have been provided to our employees prohibiting the acceptance of any form of corruption or bribery, including the expectation of such benefits in exchange for offering a favourable business decision to the other party. Detailed guidelines and rules are detailed in a separate policy of SKAT Transport P.S.A. relating to anti-corruption and setting out the rules for accepting gifts. Whenever an employee has doubts or suspects that a given behaviour is corrupt, they are obliged to report such an incident to their immediate superior.

17. Anti-Money Laundering.

At SKAT Transport, we operate in accordance with processes aimed at preventing money laundering, by which we mean funds obtained from criminal activity, tax evasion, corruption, fraud, and therefore taking measures to massage illegally obtained funds so that they appear to be of legal origin. Therefore, to the best of our ability, we verify the origin of funds by cooperating with reputable Suppliers and Business Partners. Financial transactions at SKAT Transport are carried out by highly qualified personnel, in compliance with the letter of generally applicable law.

In the event that any SKAT Transport employee appears suspicious or inappropriate in any way, even in the slightest degree, in connection with a transaction being carried out, or constitutes a breach of generally applicable law, they are obliged to contact their immediate superior or the Head of the Finance Department.
In addition, it is absolutely prohibited to engage in money laundering or any other activity that has the purpose or facilitates money laundering.

18. Gifts.

A common business practice to maintain business relationships is hospitality and the giving of gifts to each other on occasions such as holidays or anniversaries. However, at SKAT Transport, we are mindful that some exchanges of such courtesies may be considered bribery, and may therefore be perceived by outsiders as influencing decision-making processes. Therefore, SKAT Transport has established a gift policy, which is a set of rules regarding the possibility of giving and accepting gifts or dealing with gifts above a certain value.